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When comparing these four measures with MA BOY, the similarity in rhythmic figures and melody can be observed. Measures 14-15 of this song are similar to measures 10-11 of MA BOY in both melody and figure, and measures 15-16 have a very similar figure to measure 12 of MA BOY. The melodic contour and figure show such significant similarities that it wouldn't be surprising to consider them variations of the same melody.

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These two songs show such a similar structure that they can almost be considered identical. First of all, the intro of MA BOY has a very similar vibe to the introduction of TWINKLE. Almost the same progression is found in the bass harmony, with the chord progression, except for the bridge, having only minor variations from the structure of IVmaj7 - IIIm7 - VIm7 - Vm7 - I7(sus4) and repeating the same chords. In the intro of TWINKLE, the progression goes IVmaj7 - III7 - VIm7 - Vm7 - I. Both songs share the same pattern of progression, which is 4-3-6-5-1. Even if the accompaniment of the two songs were swapped and played, it would feel natural, making it difficult to notice any difference. The third chord is a minor seventh in MA BOY and a dominant seventh in TWINKLE, but this is only a minor functional difference. Therefore, whether or not the chord is a secondary dominant does not affect the similarity between the two. It is surprising that the same lyric, "It's gonna be alright," is used in almost the same position in similar music, and the rhythmic figures also show considerable similarity.


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  • Ma Boy
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